
Image for Why Fees Matter!

Jan 10, 2018

Why Fees Matter!

In my previous blog post, I mentioned there is no pre-qualification to call yourself a Financial Advisor. The truth is, anyone can apply the title to themselves, which is why you must make yourself aware of who you are working with. Many people who call themselves Financial Advisors are essentially salespeople. You will want to distinguish who is looking out for your best interest vs. someone who is trying to sell you something.

Image for Five Financial Resolutions You Can Start Now!

Dec 4, 2017

Five Financial Resolutions You Can Start Now!

As the year winds down, many of us look forward to the fresh start the New Year brings. We reflect on the previous year and think of our successes and failures. This often leads us to create a list of things we’d like to change, and we plan to implement those changes in the New Year with vigor!

Image for A Gift to Your Future Self

Nov 28, 2017

A Gift to Your Future Self

I don’t know about you, but in college I was a major procrastinator. Papers and project would have been MUCH easier if I split up the work over time. Instead, I chose to play and have fun, which meant I was burning the midnight oil on the morning of the due date, scrambling to put something together.

Image for Thanksgiving: The Secret to Financial Success

Nov 14, 2017

Thanksgiving: The Secret to Financial Success

Thanksgiving season is upon us, and for most people, that means seeing family, a big meal, and the food coma that follows. It also traditionally signals the impeding arrival of Christmas (although retailers make it seem earlier and earlier). This usually means Thanksgiving triggers heavy spending, as we start buying gifts, sending out Christmas cards, etc. Why then, do I believe Thanksgiving holds the Secret to Financial Success??